Ask a career question

Our latest service installs career networks for individual chapters to:

  • provide career readiness tools to undergraduates
  • activate alumni/ae to reconnect with chapters in meaningful ways
  • assist in finding new jobs
  • engage alumni/ae and students in mentoring relationships
  • and much more

And while the service was recently launched, we’re actively seeking ways to expand our career development offerings. The latest feature on each client’s career network page is a link to ask career questions. When completed, the FMG Careers team will send an answer by email.

“We believe the career tips we’re sharing hit nearly every aspect of career readiness, but we also recognize that each student and alumni/ae job seeker has different needs and goals, says Pete Parker, FMG Careers director. “We added a feature to allow students and job seekers to ask questions, which are relevant to them, to assist in their quest for promising careers.”

Chapters currently using FMG’s career services, can easily find a link to the question on their careers pages. Anyone else interested in asking a career-related question may simply click here.