
Fraternity Management Group provides employers with opportunities to find quality talent. You can do this by…

  • Posting jobs – employers may post as many jobs as they wish. They can even select their preferred organization(s) from which to consider applicants. These organizations may receive a percentage of proceeds to advance their leadership and career programs. Posted jobs will target and be seen by students and recent graduates.
  • Recruiting Candidates – use our Job Board to view resumes of potential hires. Click here for details and to get started.
  • Speaking – we host multiple sessions throughout the school year, where employers can speak to small-to-large groups at a time, either as a stand-alone speaker or on a panel. Join the speaker list for your chapter.
  • Workshops – There may be networking receptions, virtual video sessions, and other career activities to connect with students.
  • Sharing Advice – complete career planning surveys to share advice on skills, resumes, interviewing, and more.

CLICK HERE to seek additional information about implementing a career program at your chapter.